
We Are Glad You're Here


We are a new church start sent out from First Baptist of Ranson, WV. As a group of believers we are local to Seymour, MO and its surrounding areas.

God has chosen for His manifold wisdom to be made known to the “principalities and powers” in the heavenly places through His church! God works through His church! His people do his work. His sheep hear his voice and do follow him. This is theologically and historically proven over and over again. The way in which we live our lives here in Seymour and the way in which God’s kingdom expands throughout the whole world will both bring glory to God. In His infinite wisdom, He has chosen these means of spreading His gospel. God people, who make up his church, is who he has chosen and called to represent his majesty, reproduce his image, repeat his message, and relentlessly pursue his mission. We may feel inadequate for the task or dismayed by the challenge, but God even works through our limitations to show His sufficiency, and thus expand the praise of His eternal glory. What a privilege we have to be partnered with our omnipotent God in his eternal plan of reconciling sinners to himself.
We can therefore see so clearly that God has purposed to glorify Himself through showing mercy to sinners. Thank God for mercy! And not only that, but this way of glorifying Himself—in calling us to worship Him and also to spread His fame of his name to the nations—is the-best way for Him to receive glory. What a great God we serve! Through the praise of forgiven sinners and for His matchless mercy bestowed, God is glorified!
Here at Freedom Fellowship we seek to bring global glory to God, with the praise of our lips, the pursuit of holiness in our lives, and the worldwide promotion of his love for all who will come in faith and repentance to believe on his name.
If these objectives are also yours, come join us!

Missions Statement

That God might be Glorified!
With this single phrase we hope to express the spirit, the purpose, and the guiding principles of this church. It is what we aim for, pray for, and work towards every day. If we have any resource, any power, any influence, any energy we will use it to bring relevance of His name to the every region of this world where his glory in not known.

Jesus has paid the price for people from every language, tribe, and nation but He has yet to receive the full reward of his sacrifice.